Our Partners


Inclusion/Student Support Services

We believe it requires a community to support a child’s learning journey. Being an inclusive school, we embrace children with learning/behavioural challenges and welcome them into our school community.

We recognise the diverse needs of all our children and their families and we remain committed to supporting collaboration and partnership between families and professionals.

We work with a team of visiting specialists for students who need additional support. In all cases, we work in close partnership with each family in order to best meet each child’s unique needs. Ongoing training and support are also given to all our teaching staff through our termly workshops or organised sessions with professionals.

In some instances, the child may need greater accessibility or more support services than our school can provide. So come and have a chat with us and see if we are the right school for your child.

Our Partners


With over 25 years of experience, our Educational Psychologist, Bimal Rai, provides assessment and intervention services to positively impact the quality of life for children with special needs where their developmental and learning needs are concerned. Bimal is registered with the Singapore Psychological Society and an International Affiliate of the Australian Psychological Society.

REACh Therapy Services provides weekly intervention to support children with special needs/behavioural challenges at Lumiere. The outcomes of this programme showed improved learning and participation levels in the classroom.

“The therapy sessions and sessions guided by methods recommended by Mr Bimal Rai was instrumental in Louie’s learning journey. His methods are practical and realistic to the needs of Louie’s dysregulating behaviour in school and outside school life. I highly recommend anyone who is facing challenges with their child to consider schooling at Lumiere Montessori House with the Bridging Class and sessions with Mr Bimal Rai”  – Gaye Tan


Summer’s Therapy Services is founded in 2015 by Miss Sum Hui Ting. She is a fully-registered Speech Therapist and has more than 13 years of clinical experience working with children with special needs. Hui Ting and her team specialise in Speech Therapy and are dedicated to supporting children with speech, language, social communication and feeding difficulties.

Weekly or fortnightly therapy sessions at Lumiere are conducted in a quiet classroom on a one-to-one basis. A written summary is sent to parents and teachers; to update them on the child’s progress and home tasks to follow-up after each session.

“We realised that our son Zeryus could not speak properly still when he was about 28 months. We were worried about his delay in speech and that this could also affect his learning. We also had to deal with his temperament and frustrations when he was trying hard but we could not understand him.
We explored several speech therapy options while we shared our predicament with Ms Serene & Eileen. We felt so relieved when Lumiere offered us to do speech therapy for Zeryus in school. Lumiere started sourcing for suitable speech therapy partner.
We started the therapy in June 2018 and were impressed about how Lumiere had made this so seamlessly for us, in-school therapy session where the teachers will not only work with the therapist during the therapy sessions but also observed Zeryus during his activities in school.
We were constantly updated of the therapy conducted, challenges, progress & observations. After about 8-9 months of combined therapy support from therapist, teachers and at home, Zeryus is now a chatty, happy and confident boy.
We are very grateful and would like to extend our deepest appreciation to Ms Serene, Ms Eileen and all teachers in Lumiere for going the extra mile and being so supportive during Zeryus’ speech therapy journey.” – Elynn & Mike

Lumiere Montessori Logo
64 Wolskel Road Singapore 357971
+65 6283 9290
37 Jalan Belangkas Singapore 369400
+65 6992 2652