Our Story


Our Story

Lumiere Montessori House was established in 2007 by passionate parents who desired and envisioned an education that is deeply rooted in the dignity of the child, yet maintaining high academic standards in a non-competitive environment.

Lumiere remains a cosy, boutique school today with a low teacher-child ratio where our teachers know each child personally and provide the attention and care each child requires. Under the guidance of our director Miss Serene Bak, Lumiere continues to grow in stature with a dedicated team and a great partnership with the parent community.

Our Belief

At Lumiere Montessori House, we believe

  • every child is a capable, competent learner and this is best achieved when they are actively engaged in authentic learning experiences.
  • they learn best in an autonomous environment with adults that are sensitive to their needs.
  • failures are meant as lessons and a pathway for growth and success.

Our Approach

At Lumiere, we “follow the child”. We adopt the Montessori philosophy and curriculum and make it our mission to help each child achieve their learning goals. Our focus is not on compliance but on establishing connections and relationships.  Our interest is to help them learn in a non-competitive but co-operative environment, encouraging all towards realising their potential.

Our Home

Nestled in serene and tranquil neighbourhoods, Lumiere Montessori House is not just a school, but a home away from home. Our space is created with the autonomous child in mind, with beautiful, inviting materials lining the open shelves, a hallmark of our classrooms seen across our centres. Furthermore, our commitment to holistic growth extends outdoors, where a private outdoor space beckons for daily adventures, encouraging exploration and play.

Lumiere Montessori Logo
64 Wolskel Road Singapore 357971
+65 6283 9290
37 Jalan Belangkas Singapore 369400
+65 6992 2652